A new year always starts with good resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?Why not learn something new?
Mine for 2024 is to improve your knowledge of clinical trials. That is why I have decided to organise some training courses myself, rather than through a training company.
It is a big challenge for me because I was used to having the support of an external company, now I have to find the trainees who might be interested in my trainings.
As there will be a big change in the pharmaceutical industry in 2024 with the updated ICH-GCP E6 (R3), I propose to start with an online training highlighting the changes compared to the E6 (R2) version. The challenge for me would be to make this online training attractive and interactive. Because regulatory training is really boring, even if it is mandatory.
Ok, how can I make it engaging and interactive? With quizzes, discussions, workshops?
All these activities require a lot of preparation, but I really want to make my training as good as possible. During this preparation I will share some topics with you.
Stay tuned!